
Wednesday 28 January 2015

LGBT History Month 2015

LGBT History Month starts in a few days, so you should visit the LGBT History Month website to see what events are happening near you.

As part of their celebration of LGBT History Month, Sutton LGBT Forum has arranged a presentation from 6.30pm on the evening of 5th February at Sutton's Central Library.

The presentation is based on material we have created for display in the London Borough of Sutton's libraries throughout LGBT History Month.

Sutton Central Library is on St Nicholas Way, a short walk from Sutton Station (postcode: SM1 1EA). See the map here:,-0.183592,14z/data=!3m1!4b1?sa=X&ei=6-zIVKWyDsOvaYHegfAD&ved=0CJQBEMgT

If you plan to join us, you will be most welcome. It would be helpful if you let us know ahead of time at

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